2010년 2월 28일 일요일

GUI 한 번 하려다가.

인터넷에서 찾아보고 결론은 shoes 괜찮아 보인다였다. 그러나 모든 사이트가 열리지 않자 이것 저것 찾아본 결과 shoes를 제작한 _why가 활동을 접었다는 내용을 찾았다. 이미 오래된 이야기였다.


On 19 August 2009, his online presence was drastically truncated; his accounts on Twitter and GitHub were shut down, along with many of his personally maintained sites. His projects have since been collected and centralized on the whymirror GitHub account. -- [출처 : 위키피디아]



_why가 트위터를 지우기 전에 마지막으로 작성했다던 내용


If you want your programming to be remembered, make a game.
Everything else you write will be obsolete in a year, and won't run on available systems in two or three.
Yet people spend huge amounts of energy on systems to keep games alive.
programming is rather thankless.
you see your works become replaced by superior works in a year.
unable to run at all in a few more. -- [출처 : kldp]


결국 Tcl/Tk 를 깔고 쓰고있긴 한데 씁쓸하다.

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