flexmdi라는 flex에 데스크탑을 구현한 오픈소스가 있다. 여기를 클릭하면 볼 수 있다. 여기 샘플 코드에 괜찮은 설명이 있어서 옮겨 적는다.
// the flex framework dispatches all kinds of events
// in order to avoid catching one of those and throwing a coercion error
// have your listener accept Event and check the type inside the function
// this is good practice for all Flex development, not specific to flexmdi
private function confirmWindowClose(event:Event):void
if(event is MDIManagerEvent && confirmCloseCb.selected)
// store a copy of the event in case we want to resume later (user confirms their intention)
queuedEvent = event.clone() as MDIManagerEvent;
// this is the line that prevents the default behavior from executing as usual
// because the default handler checks event.isDefaultPrevented()
Alert.show("Seriously? Close it?", null, 3, null, handleAlertResponse);
// called when the Alert window is closed
// if the user said yes, we execute the default behavior of playing an effect
// and then removing the window by sending the stored event to
// the appropriately named executeDefaultBehavior() method
private function handleAlertResponse(event:CloseEvent):void
if(event.detail == mx.controls.Alert.YES)
윈도우를 닫을 때 발생한 이벤트에서 이벤트를 clone하여 queuedEvent라는 곳에 임시 저장하고 event는 preventDefault() 한다. 만약 사용자가 윈도우를 닫기 원하면 queuedEvent를 처리한다.
이벤트를 받을 때 타입체크를 하라는 설명도 보인다.
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